Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tokyo makes New York look like Delaware

Unit Tokyo is a 3 story basement mega club that hosts live music and dj's that play well into the morning. It is one of many in Tokyo. I caught the 6th anniversary of unit so the ordinary madness was an order of magnitude more chaotic. There were more than 500 people there. What impressed me the most was that there is a massive, young, energetic crowd so interested in cutting edge music (ie a scene), something ny desperately and shamefully lacks these days.

9-11 caught jah-light dj duo in the basement perform roots/dub/electronica with live heavily layered sampling . There wasn't one dead spot in the entire 2 hour set which is really unheard of with dub reggae.

11:15-12 Saw the legendary Boris give a flawless set in the mid-level. The show left me shattered. It was everything one would fantasize a bad-ass rock concert could be.

12-1:30 Went upstairs to the jam packed house music party, which went until like 8 am, also hosted by a very impressive dj duo.

1:30-2:30 Slid back down to mid-level and caught Cluster give an interesting ambient/dub/electronica set to a shoulder to shoulder, crotch to ass to crotch, packed and attentive crowd.

2:45-3:30 Caught Kenji Takimi give rad a noise/electronica set. At this point my buddy Charles brings to my attention that it is 4th of July so we took a break from the Japanese beer and ordered a Bourbon.

3:30-6:30 Wandered between the top and bottom stories for excellent electronica dance/ house music until the trains were back in operation.

Prior to the night in a conversation with Charles, we hypothesized that since there are no drugs in Japan they create music and an environment for music that simulates the drug experience. The theory was tested and proven: I went home tripping hard.

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